Study highlights positive sentiment towards Zero-Alcohol brands

New research on the zero-alcohol drinks market has found that 38% of Dublin alcohol drinkers aged 18-54 took part in so called ‘Dry January’ this year. The ‘Focus on Zero’ study was conducted by Ipsos MRBI.

The online survey of 300 respondents investigated opinions and perceptions associated with zero-alcohol brands including taste, consumption, relationships to ‘parent’ alcohol brands and the role of advertising in consumers’ decision making in the sector.

Colum Harmon, marketing director, ‘Our Focus on Zero study clearly points to a positive disposition towards these brands among Dublin drinkers. 54% of male respondents are drinking more zero-alcohol beers than a year ago and almost three in four believe their quality has improved greatly in recent years. Opportunities exist for retention and switching, and the research shows that advertising will be crucial’.

75% of males 18-24 agree that advertising plays a role in influencing their choice of zero-alcohol beers. 80% of that same cohort say than they notice more advertising for zero-alcohol brands than they used to.

When it comes to taste, six in ten respondents believe that zero-alcohol brands taste just like beers containing alcohol. 92% of 35-44-year olds also believe the quality of zero-alcohol beers has greatly improved in recent years.

These factors all contribute to a figure of 45% of all respondents intending to drink more zero-alcohol beer in 2021 than they did in 2020.

For full details of the ‘Focus on Zero’ study can be obtained by contacting